Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Introducing the Adventure

Welcome to the first post of Negative Pack Weight, a blog that will chronicle my preparations for a hike along the Superior Hiking Trail in Minnesota during early Summer 2014. Most of those preparations will focus on preparing my gear and preparing my body. My goal before I leave is to lose more weight that what I'll normally be carrying on the trail--hence the "Negative Pack Weight." Now, I lovelovelove researching gear, trying out gear, making gear, modifying gear, and all that gear stuff. I also really like good food and good beer, but my job mostly requires me to sit on my butt in front of a computer. Those factors coupled with a good dose of laziness after I get home from work mean that I have some weight to lose. It's more fun to sit in front of the computer and get sucked into online discussions on the minutia of gear, but I need to get my butt moving more, too.

This will be my first big backpacking trip, but not my first big physical adventure. In 2006, I rode Adventure Cycling's TransAmerica route from Virginia to Oregon, camping out and generally having a grand old time (except for the sore butt, spider bites, hail storms, forest fires, etc.--all part of a good adventure). Stories of that trip can be found here: http://www.crazyguyonabike.com/doc/circumtrektion

A couple of other long-distance bike trips followed, though none as grand as the first, but I'm ready for something different now, so I'm making the move from bike-packing to backpacking.

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